7 Spiritual Paths
      Gnostic Teachings of Miryai Mt.
      In the Living Gods, Let the hallowed Light of Transcendant Truth be praised. Let the Sweet Mystery of Miryai awaken in the heart of hearts.
    The seven study seasons of the Nazmani Year are characterized by one of seven spiritual streams flowing forth from the five Sacred Mountains  focused upon on Miryai Mt. During certain Periods when various teachers and texts from these various traditions can be studied and put into limited practice by those not following the main 5 Season program.. (See the system based on Five Seasons and Five Spiritual Mountains). The 5 Sacred (symbolic) Mountains are Kunlun, Ararat, Kailash, Hermon and Moon. The 7 Sacred Rivers are the Yellow from Kunlun, the Tigris and Euphrates from Ararat, the Indus and Ganges from Kailash, the Jordon from Hermon and the Nile from the Mountains of the Moon. (Note: These mundane mountains and polluted rivers are not themselves sacred, but are only symbols of the sacred.)
  • Earthstar (Saturn) - Kunlun Mountains as symbolic home of Taoism and Chaan. The Yellow river flowing east toward the islands of Japan where Cha'n mixed with Shinto and became Zen and Shingon.
    • Zen/Chaan: Manichaean influences and overlaps with eastern Buddhism, Pure Land, Shingon. Dogen.
    • Taoists, Yi Ching, Tao Te Ching
  • Waterstar (Mercury)  -  Mt Hermon as home of Caananite, Assyrian, and other ancient middle eastern cults. The Jordan River flowing toward Judaism's eventual Qabbalah.
    • Mandaeans: Ramuia as its 7th century AD founder & his alterations of more ancient true texts & beliefs. Ginza Rba, Qulasta, Bk of John
    • Judaism/ Kabbalah: The Nazorean origins of Qabbalistic mysticism, ancient feud between Gnostics & Jews, Luria, Vital, etc. Zohar, Yetzirah, Bahir
  • Firestar (Mars)  -  Mt Kailash, Lake Manasarovar, prehistoric Bon of Zhang-Zhung. The Indus  river representing the Bonpo, Nyingma and Vajrayana cultus of Tibet
    • Bonpo: Insights of the Proto-Indo-European culture preserved by Bon & Vajrayana, Book of the Dead, Shenrab Terma
    • Nyingma, Yeshey Tzogyal terma
    • Buddhism/Jain/Bon: Bon's Shinrab vs the flawed Sidhartha
  • Firestar 2 (Sun)  - Mt Kailash, Lake Manasarovar, Ganges: The Shavaite, Jain, Sikh movements of India and the Ganges basin.
    • Sikhs, Peace Lagoon
    • Jain
    • Shaivites
  • Windstar (Jupiter)  - Mt of the Moon, the Nile river and the Pythagorean Temple schools of Egypt. The Nile on whose banks Gnosticism flourished, seeding Europe where various mystics like Teressa, Hildigard and others predated the rise of Jung and modern psychology.
    • Jesus/Christianity Yeshu the Nazorean vs Paul, fake Bible, Essenes, Gnostic Christians, 
    • Carmelite Mystics, Terressa of Avila and Seven Mansions, Hildegard of Bingen, Thomas Merton, Cayce, etc.
    • Nazoreanism 
    • Pythagoreans, Nichomachus
    • Egyptian Gnostics, Nag Hamadhi Library, Pistis Sophia, Brucianus Codex
    • Neo-Platonists, Plato
    • Jung, Seven Sermons of the Dead
    • Golden Dawn, (Crowely)
  • Zephyrstar (Venus)  - Mt Ararat, as symbolic home of Sumer and Babalonian religions, Zarathustra and the Magians. The Tigris  along whose banks  the Manichaeans arose
    • Manichaean: The innovations and insights of the 3rd century Gnostic Prophet Mani, Kephalaia, Hymns
  • Zephyrstar 2 (Moon)  - Mt Ararat, Zarathustra and the Persian Magians. The Euphrates, Shi'ite and  Sufi mystics and poets like Rumi.

  •  True Teachers of esoteric truths - Yeshu, Miryai, Mani, Zazai, Tsogyal, et al....
    Year Long Study program based on seven rather than fie seasons
    5 Ways

Peace to all....
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