As Utilized by the Gnostic Manichaean Teachings of the Naz-Mani In the Living Gods, Let the hallowed Light of Transcendent Truth be praised. Let the Sweet Mystery of Miryai awaken in the heart of hearts. It is our understanding that the Mandaean culture, texts and rituals preserved for us by the work of Lady Drower contain valuable keys, concepts and rites preserved by them which are ultimately derived from the Nazorean Gnostic culture that predated their origins in the seventh century when Rumuia reformed a then existent branch of the older Zazai lineage's. The modern Mandaean people are heavily influenced by Islamic culture and do not, in our view, represent the Mandaean culture recorded by Drower, and especially do not represent the ancient vegetarian Gnostic culture that predated their founder Rumuia. Modern Mandaeans do not consider Rumuia their founder but it is our contention that a major reworking of texts and traditions occurred during his lifetime in the seventh century. Various colophons confirm his redactive activity in many surviving manuscripts. As for authoritative oral tradition, we again do not look to the modern Mandaean clerics, for their Priesthood was reconstructed from scratch in the early 1800's after a plague destroyed every last Rumuia orientated Priesthood member among them along with their extensive oral secrets. The handful of novices that regrouped themselves and became self styled Priests were not ordained thru the traditional laying on of hands ceremony, nor were they given the secret passwords and oral secrets which had been handed down for centuries before them. This in itself is not a real problem, in fact lineages that go on too long become "cold" as the Tibetans say, and fresh renewal of the connections between heaven and earth are always a good thing that make for a "hot" vibrant lineage. The problem for the Naz-Mani lies in the fact that the lineage has undergone too many disconnects, alterations and reformations not wholly in accord with the more ancient traditions revered by us. One glaring change is in the abandonment of a pure vegetarian diet, and there are others. Nevertheless we have great respect and admiration for the modern Mandaean Gnostics and are appreciative of their efforts to preserve writings and rituals from a more ancient time. During Qaita, Naz-Mani are encouraged to take full advantage of these preserved texts, being ever wary of modifications and changes which have been added to them over the centuries by the Yeshu eschewing school of Rumuia. |