      Gnostic Teachings of Miryai Mt.
      In the Living Gods, Let the hallowed Light of Transcendant Truth be praised. Let the Sweet Mystery of Miryai awaken in the heart of hearts.

    Messengers of that Good Realm: It can be difficult in the modern era to appreciate the thoughts and insights of those who lived thousands of years ago. Yet wisdom can be found in the preserved words of certain especially insightful souls from the distant past. Their value lies in the relevance of their insights in our time. Among these are:

    • Yohanna: A strange man, a spokesman of small group of philosophical people known as Nazoreans in the first century. An individual who stood out among his peers in his ability to communicate his message. Taught by his mentor Anush, he promoted an alternative to the Judaism of his time, asking his followers to give up their meat diet, give up their participation in Jewish temple rites, abandon their Torah, their faith, and embrace a lifestyle conduscive to true spirituality. He was killed for his efforts.
    • Yeshu: Another Nazorean, the most famous of his sect, who taught in the first century a message of peace, purity, and radical non conformity to stifling religious laws of previous eras. He too was killed and his story and teachings were altered by another sect who came to call him Jesus.
    • Miryai: The female companion of Yeshu who continued his legacy after his death. A controversial figure in her time. Her ideas were too radical for many who had previously followed her mentor Yeshu.
    • Mani: A third century mystic from Iraq who transformed the Yohanna-Yeshu-Miryai tradition into a quasi buddhist form of "christianity". He too was killed, but by Zoroasterians rather than Jews.
    • Zazai: A Syrian leader of the Nazorean movement in the third century who reconsolidated the older traditions of the Water Sects of Life even as Mani was establishing a newer version of them.
    • Tsogyal: Mani's influence on Bon helped prepare the way for the rise of the first female buddha of Tibet, known as Yeshey Tsogyal. A companion of Padmasambhava, Tzogyal helped establish the ideal of female dakini-buddhas in the land of snows.
    • Dogen: A Zen buddhist teacher in Japan whos writings are useful in day to day monastic practice.
    • Rumi: A Persian poet who captured the beauty of spiritual transformation.
    • Cayce: The more modern Sleeping Prophet who gave what he called readings while in hypnotic trances.
    • Pythagoras/Plato: The truths of neo-pythagoreanism and the gnostic-like schools of Egypt still have modern value. Pythagoras, trained in the temples of Egypt, was a famous vegetarian philosopher who used music, math and astrology to convey his truths.

    Polemic. How gnostic path is different from Christian, Muslim and Buddhist one

    Other mystics, like Merton, Teresa, Hildegard, Crowley, Gurdjief, etc. - have value and limitations to modern Gnostics. There are many, but the list is not unending. 

Peace to all....
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