Introduction to the Zen Path
      As Utilized by the Gnostic Manichaean Teachings of the Naz-Mani
      In the Living Gods, Let the hallowed Light of Transcendant Truth be praised. Let the Sweet Mystery of Miryai awaken in the heart of hearts.
The Naz-Mani Path utilizes the terminology and some of the teachings of various spiritual traditions during its various liturgical seasons. During the spring  (7 weeks beginning on April 3 for individuals and the full moon after April 3 for groups) the Chaan, Taoist, Pure Land and Zen traditions are merged with the Gnosis, thru "Skillful means", to create a 50 day study and practice program. For those outside of a spiritua; community, the solar dates for this season can be substituted for the luni-solar ones used in community. This program is of course not traditional Zen or Buddhist, but does incorporate some of the terminology and teachings from both intermingled with various Manichaean and Gnostic terms and teachings. The precedent for this Skillful Means hybridizing of Gnostic Teachings with other traditions was first set by the Gnostic prophet Mani in the third century. Under His auspice the Manichaean faith presented its core values and messages under various guises, the Buddhist one especially in the east. 
Peace to all....
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