Fasting & Purification
5 Mt System of Miryai
In the Living Gods, Let the hallowed Light of Transcendant Truth be praised. Let the Sweet Mystery of Miryai awaken in the heart of hearts.

We fast for better health, slower aging, and increased willpower. There are three levels to our approach to fasting: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced, and three main types of fasting: Daily, Dark Moon, and end of Season. 

  • Beginner
    • Daily: An eating window of 12 hours or less with a  minimum daily fasting period of 12 hours. (An eating window of 6 to 8 hours is strongly recommended.)
    • Monthly: A skipping of at least one meal during the Fortnight fast of either 1 or 2 days, and a shortening of the eating window from 12 to 10 hours for the dark moon for those who normally have a 12 hour window.
    • Seasonally: A 4 or 5 day period of skipping of at least one meal and eating within a 10 hour window.
  • Intermediate
    • Daily: An eating window of 10 hours or less with a  minimum daily fasting period of 14 hours.
    • Monthly: A skipping of all but one meal during the Fortnight fast of either 1 or 2 days, and a shortening of the eating window from 12 to 2 hours.
    • Seasonally: A 4 or 5 day period of skipping of all but one meal a day during a 2 hour window.
  • Advanced
    • Daily: An eating window of 6-8 hours with a  minimum daily fasting period of 16 hours. (Manichaean Monks and Nuns ate only once a day during a four hour eating window. They also practiced longer fasts on a weekly as well as seasonal calendar.)
    • Monthly: A Fortnight fast of either 1 or 2 days, depending on the lunar calendar length, either water, tea or fasting mimicking. 
    • Seasonally: A 4 or 5 day water, tea or FMD fast, preceeded by 1+ days of lower carb eating.
  • Emergency Protocol for the Sick: For the very obese, sick, or very ill. A Cleanse every fortnight or every other fortnight on the dark moon:
    • Fortnightly: A four or five day period, similar to the seasonal fast, where the obese or ill skip the breakfast feeding period, except for the smoothie, and skip the lunch, but eat the dinner salad meal, or observe the more elaborate Seasonal cleansing menu. This food intake of one smoothie and one salad is observed for the last five days of the fortnight. (This level of cleansing frequency, 5 days on and 10 days off, should be employed with great caution in only the most dire situations.)

(see Valter D. Longo and Satchidananda Panda: Fasting, circadian rhythms, and time restricted feeding in healthy lifespan )

Peace to all....
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