      Gnostic Manichaean Teachings of the Naz-Mani
      In the Living Gods, Let the hallowed Light of Transcendent Truth be praised. Let the Sweet Mystery of Miryai awaken in the heart of hearts.
      In the name of the Living Gods let hallowed Light be praised. 


      Peruse the online pages O daughter of light, acquire various books that elucidate this Gate. Explore what resonates, ignore what does not. Let the Teaching sink in, come to a reasonable degree of understanding concerning it, and then decide if it rings true with your deeper nature. If it does not, then walk away. If it does, then continue onward in your studies. Keep seeking, keep implementing the programs that appeal to you most, and move ever deeper into the Teachings and ever closer to true Gnosis. 

      These are the basic requirements for sincere souls having entered Miryai's Way:

      • 1. Do no harm. This means living off starches, oily fruit and plants, not off living creatures who must be harmed to provide dairy, eggs and "protein". A vegan lifestyle is both healing and liberating. (We refer the student to Dr. John Mcdougall website if they have difficulties or questions concerning it.) Millions of people eat this way and find it both satisfying and nourishing. If you cannot transition to this way of eating then you probably have no business in this Path. It is permissible to take up to one year to do so completely, just so long as serious progress is being made each and every month. Do not fool yourself. If you are not making monthly progress in this harmless diet, then start doing so or walk away.
      • 2. Study each and every day. Ignorance is the great obstacle to personal transformation and must be slain thru the sword of authentic scripture. It is important what you study, so carefully choose what you are planning to read so that you do not waste your time, or be found delving into matters too advanced when a basic foundation has not been established.  To be able to help youself in this you will have to be very honest with yourself as to your present level of understanding and familiarity with various concepts. If you don't like to read you are going to have to learn to get over this and begin a daily contemplation of sacred scrolls.  If reading is difficult, one can read a line or two and think about it for as long as it takes the mind to wander, then another line or two can be read, and so on. Plan on at least 20 minutes a day for study. Two hours a day will make advancement happen more quickly and this should be done at least weekly, daily by the serious student.
      • 3. Commune. Devotional reverence and communion with the Earth-Mother and with angelic and divine archetypes within oneself slowly individualizes the seeker into one of the eternal ones. This is a really difficult step for most who find it almost impossible to set aside even 3 minutes a morning for dream introspection or communion in nature. When you have accomplished this and made it a continuing practice and habit, your ability to progress in the Teachings will be expotentiated. If you ignore it, your lower nature will hold you back in many many areas even though your mind may advance. If you do not bathe in the presence of the Earth-Mother and the archetypal Divine Ones within each and every day, you will never transcend their Images. This is an eternal law that cannot be ignored.
      • 4. Quiet the flesh. Fasting and other disciplines allow the higher soul to reign supreme within the body. Take care of the body like a temple, treat it like a slave and not a master. If you have lots of toxins in your system then even short fasts are going to make you quite sick. There are remedies for this situation, so again, write me of your trials here. Dominion over fleshy appetites is essential for progress. If you are a slave to these you must free yourself before you go very far. If you are addicted to stimulants or drugs, get over it.
      • 5. Engage in ritual. The periodic performance of garden rituals, sowing seed, watering, weeding, re-orientates the base nature even as study reforms the mind. Both body and mind must be trained and transformed and harmonized witht he forces within and without. When one is ready, one can take the Refuge Vow which is the first and foremost ritual that truly initiates you into the Teaching and orientates your soul for development. Other rituals are available for periodic performance. These will be presented to you from time to time and can be found on the site. If possible, try to set up for yourself a small private altar to offer up the fruits of the garden. Ignore this tool and your subconscious will have its way with you. It will sabatoge your spiritual efforts and fool you into complacity.
      • 5. Engage in Goodness. However defined, goodness must be expresses consciously, deliberately and wisely. It is left to the practitioner to define this for herself but growing and sharing food or gardening skills with the hungry and malnourished is a good place to start. Over time this ability should evolve and increase, becoming ever more manifest. Avoid shallow displays of compassion -- these are not only meaningless but ultimately harmful. Being good is not necessarily being mild, meek and accommodating. Goodness roars like a lion at times, cuts thru like a thunderbolt.  Do not be misled by Christian interpretations of goodness. Gnostic Goodness is peculiar unto itself. Learn about it and implement it.


      Peace to all....

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