Taking Refuge
      Let hallowed Light be praised. 

      By entering the Living Stream, the Yardna of Light, we clothe ourselves with Living Water, with the Robe of Miryai imprinted with all Gnosis. We enter the Living Stream, the Living Family. Our adoption should be our simaltaneous excommunication from the Paths of Death, from worldly ambition and vice, and from the false logic and dharmas of the gates of death. Residues of these gates and their  darkness continually haunt, so study and disciplines of light must continually be practiced in order to offset the unconscious programing of a previous living death. From the time before we embraced the Living Way, when we, as walking talking corpses hoped to inherit what only the Living may obtain:  "The dead do not inherit anything. For how will the dead inherit? When the dead inherits the Living-One, he shall not die but rather the dead shall instead live." 

       Seeking refuge in the Four Peaceful Ones

      [Repeat Once]:"I take refuge in the Purity of the Hidden Living Ones, 
      I take refuge in the Light of the Messiah-Buddhas, 
      I take refuge in  the Power and Path of the Fivefold-Divine One, 
      I take refuge in the Wisdom of the Holy Family of Life, 
      To this Life, Light, Way & Truth I go for eternal refuge, through the grace of Yeshu and Miryai, Amen."

      Shalamic Peace to all.... 

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