5 Mt. System of Individuated Gnosis
In the Living Gods, Let the
hallowed Light of Transcendent Truth be praised. Let the Sweet Mystery
of Miryai awaken in the heart of hearts.
We use a five fold method of practice
in order to escape some of the serious pitfalls of following only one tradition.
There is a lot of unnecessary baggage, rust and encrusted tradition that
comes along with any one truth infused Path. For instance, there is a tendency
to confuse outer dress with indispensable principles. For example, a zen
nun will only wear a black robe and have their head shaven, whereas a Manichaean
or Mandaean priestess will only wear a white garb and cannot cut their
hair. (It should be obvious to the thoughtful that neither nullifies advancement
toward achieving enlightenment/individuation.) These types of dilemmas
become more difficult to unravel when it comes to ritualistic practices
and deeper belief systems. By simultaneously utilizing five different traditions
from five different areas and cultures of the world, these innate shortcomings
can be better understood and possibly removed, leaving us with the core
truths of each. Of course there is some limited value in holding onto some
of the unique language, texts and customs of certain traditions, just to
flavor and color them, but such needs to be understood for what it
is and not confused with the more indispensable truths that any one Path
may have to offer.
Firestar - Mt Kailash, Lake Manasarovar,
and the Indus/Ganges rivers - Bon/Vajrayana/Jain/Sikh/Shavaite.
Miwo, Yeshe Tsogyal, et al
- Adoration and deification of ones Guru is seen as a serious pitfall of
this cluster of traditions. The Jain Path putting to much emphasis on denial
and disciplines.
Windstar - Mt of the Moon, the Nile
river - Gnostic/Jung. Yeshu, Jung, et al
- Miracle mongering and deification of Yeshu and the Bible is problematic,
as is the virgin birth and physical resurrection ideas that were overlaid
over the Nazorean tradition by ignorant Jewish Romans in the first and
second centuries. Too great a trust in Paul and the traditions of gentile
Christianity that arose in his wake. Loss of the plant based diet by corrupt
Christianity. Too much emphasis on a suffering Christ.
Zephyrstar - Mt Ararat, Tigris-Euphrates
rivers - Manichaean and Zoroastrian/Sufi.
Mani, Rumi,
al - Celibate and inactive Priesthood
among the Manichaeans, fear of farming by their Elect, honoring of Mohammed
and the Koran by Sufis.
Earthstar - Kunlun Mt and the Yellow
river - Zen/Shinto/Shingon/Taoist. Dogen, Lao Tzu, et al -
Allowance of oysters in Taoism, an imperfect 5 element eating system, an
overt honoring of ancestors and long held Confusian traditions. Confusion
of Sidhartha with a true Buddha.
Waterstar - Mt Hermon, the Jordan River
- Mandaean/Luriac Qabbalah. Miryai, Zazai,
et al
- a false continuity of Tarmidta Priesthood lineages, a rejection of Yeshu
the son of Miriam and an over emphasis of Yohan, addition of Jewish law
and texts into Kabbalistic Paths.
Obstacles: Dealing with distractions
and obstacles to study and progress.
Renouncings: Overcoming
previous programing and bias.
Warnings: How to negotiate
contradictory feelings and sources of information. Judging rumor verses
to all....