Gnostic Teachings from Miryai Mt.
In the Living Gods, Let the
hallowed Light of Transcendant Truth be praised. Let the Sweet Mystery
of Miryai awaken in the heart of hearts.
In the name of the Living Gods
let hallowed Light be praised.
The fullness of this Teaching
should be poured into a vessel free from old wine. Students must
strive diligently to lessen the old to make way for the new. Assumptions
from past studies or indoctrination should be held up to scrutiny in the
light of the new revelation. Many and varied are the deceptions accepted
as common knowledge among various religious and cultural groups. For Christians,
this means giving up the false notions learned in childhood and the fake
traditions taken from the inauthentic bible and fairy tale stories and
ideas about Jesus. Included in this mass of misinformation is the false
idea that Jesus was celibate because sexuality is not congruent with holiness,
that meat eating is okay, that woman are less than men, that God practices
human sacrifice to save his children with his son's blood, that God is
an old man sitting on a throne, and so on. For Buddhists it entails giving
up the idea that Sidhartha Guatama was a real buddha rather than possibly
a decadent prince with a good public relations campaign, that celibacy
is holy, that begging is good, that woman are inferior, that meat is okay
to eat if you don't kill it yourself, that Indian culture is better than
other ones, and so on. For students of Samael Aun Weor it means giving
up the concept that meat eating is crucial and that vegetarians are hypocrites
and pharisees, and that the Bible is a great Gnostic book written by gnostics
400 years after Jesus, and so on. For Raw Fooders and rejecters of certain
types of vegan food it means rethinking what good food is, what real health
is. For guru worshippers or darshan devotees, it means recognizing the
limitations of human incarnation and respecting but not overly revering
religious teachers, their photos, artifacts, or physical presence, especially
those whose own testimony or convoluted lofty speech is their only claim
to enlightenment. Thus one should be free and clear of false tradition,
renouncing the following:
I renounce the false forms and stories
of Jesus, Buddha and other spiritual leaders that I have been taught or
absorbed indirectly in my past, or which are upheld by my culture or subculture.
I renounce the false diets, eating
norms, and lifestyles of my childhood, culture, and those perpetuated by
various sects and persuasions of my past.
I renounce the false and inferior view
about woman and about outsiders and foreigners upheld in so many sects
and peoples.
I renounce the false scriptures and
oral traditions promoted by various sects, with their superstitions, fairy
tales, anti-science orientation and outmoded social stances.
I renounce the false ethics and morality
perpetuated by those who consider themselves religious or moral, so often
based on outmoded cultures or hypocritical unobtainable ideals.
I renounce all the silly notions of
sexuality, homosexuality, celibacy, monagamy, polygamy and other sexual
viewpoints upheld or condemned by various cultures in various ages, and
I renounce any sexual interaction with children or other innocents which
is strongly condemned in this Path.
I renounce the false accusations and
quibblings and finger pointing engaged in by sectarians of all persuasions,
as well as the all too human propensity to criticize leaders, invade their
privacy, and to look for ways to discredit them or slander them during
the waning of inordinate affection for them.
In conculsion, I renounce all the cultural
assumptions, mental conditionings, expectations, and worldviews that come
from growing up in a particular society or religion and I will keep an
open but discerning mind so that I might continue to deepen my endowment
in Gnosis everlasting.
May the serenity of a life well
lived be yours now, and forever more.