Gods- Fourfold God
Prophets- Yeshu, Miryai, Mani....
Prayers- 4 times daily
Scriptures- Thomas,Philip, Secret Teachings, Kephalaia, Pistis Sophia
Principles- Vegan, permaculture, ahimsa
Practices - Meditation, Devotions, Puja, Study, Fasting, Teaching, Service.
Rituals - Gnostic Baptism & Mass
Teachings - The Mythos
Organization - Structure, Levels
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Calendar - Liturgical lunar calendar
History- Ancient Gnostic Streams
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Nazorean Gods & Goddesses
(Early Nazorean & late Mandaean)

Abathur (Abathur-Muzania, Abatur Rama) - Abathur-Muzania is the Judge of the Dead who weighs hearts in the spiritual world of Mishunia Kushta. Abatur Rama is the Great Abathur, in contrast to the lesser judge of the dead. He is the final judge and final arbitrator and weigher of souls. Sometimes called the Third Life and Bhak Ziwa, father of Ptahil. Abathur was given the rule over the great Yardna of living water, over the souls which rise to the Light Dwelling, and over illuminating and the devotional praising which rise from the world. Also known as the physician of suffering souls.
Abba (Ab) - Also known as Hiya, Hiya Rba, Amin, Zirvan, Zhrun, Zurvan, Sindirka, etc. A generic term that can be used for the highest Heavenly Father down to the Abbot of a monastery. The female form is Amma.
Adakas (Adam-Kasia, Adakias, Adakas-Malala) - The Great Word, the go-between who takes out praise. The name is a reduction of Adam Kasia - the Hidden Adam. Related to the Column of Glory. Also: Adakas-Malala - A heavenly being; Adakas-Mana - The one who takes one out of the body onto a road with no heat, and Adam-Kasia, Adakias- The celestial Adam, the Secret Adam, archetype of perfect humanity.
Adam-Pagria - Fleshy Adam, the first man. There were two Adams, this referring to Adam Pagria, or Adam son of Adam, not Adam Kasia, who became a devoted follower of his son Sethil. Pagria means of the flesh.
Adatan - One of two beings who bequeath wings of glory and open heavenly doors for the ascending elect. One of the two witnesses and assessors of Abathur, and made them to be recorders for him. See Yadatan.
Ain Hai – later considered one of the four "sons" of Light, but obviously a goddess originally associated with Shum Hai.
Aina - Wellspring. Spouse of Sandirka the Palmtree. A very high and great Goddess. Heavenly Mother. Also called Aina Rabtia - Great Wellspring. Also known as Hiya, Hiya Rba, Silence, Dmuta, Dum, Forethought, and Barbelo. One of the 12 Great Names pronounced over the faithful.
Alaha - God in Aramaic.
Alaha-Alihun - God of Gods in Aramaic.
Amarit - Earthly Mother.
Amma (Am) - The mother. Heavenly Mother or monastic Abbess.
Amta d-Noohra- the Maiden of Light and Virgin of Light of the Pistis Sophia. Miryai (Mary Magdalene) and Maryam (“Virgin” Mary) were both manifestations of this Goddess according to Yeshu.
Amuniel - Faithful One (variant spelling). A Title of Yeshu claimed by him in the Ginza Rba.
Anana - The "Cloud". Heavenly spouse and generic Goddess title.
Anan-Nsab (and Ns'ab) - Anan Nsab means spouse of the Planter. Fertility deities. Heavenly Helpers of earthly Nazoreans in implanting righteousness, goodness and virtue within others.
Anaton (Annatan) - The husband of Qin and a ruler of the underworld.
Anush (Anus, Anush-uthra) - Anush is one of the three Buddha Uthra's of Adam Kasia who come to heal and teach us on earth. Places living wreaths on the newly baptized. Anush means man in Aramaic. Anush-Uthra created in the world the first monasteries and built therein temples. An Anush was also the earthly teacher of John the Baptist.
Arspan- The name of a spirit associated with Baptism and water. Also the name of a throne. Youth of tender years.
As-Rba - One of the Mystical Names of the Great Sealing of the Mighty Sublime Life.
Asin-Rba – One of the Mystical Names of the Great Sealing of the Mighty Sublime Life.
Ayar (Ayar-Rba, Ayar-Nhura) - The Ether or Great Ether. The pure air. Ayar-Nhura is the pure, the envoy who is all righteousness.
Aziz-Rba – One of the Mystical Names of the Great Sealing of the Mighty Sublime Life.
Barbag-uthra - Son of God, or Son of the Garden - a heavenly Buddha being, or Uthra.
Bar-Hiya - Drew in the share, or scattered Buddha-nature, of the Vast Living Ones and brought it victoriously up to places of the light.
Baz-Rba – Mystical Names of the Great Sealing of the Mighty Sublime Life.
Bhaq (Bhaq-Ziwa) - Demiurgical role is often associated with this being. Called "he acted and succeeded in his Shekinta". He is sometimes identified with Abathur, the Third Life and Father of Uthrai.
Bihrun – An associate of Bhir, meaning the Chosen Ones.
Bhir (Bhira, Bhira Dakia) - The "Chosen One" or "Proven One". Bhira Dakia means the Chosen Pure One.
Bihdad- The Uthra who assists Abathur of the Scales, along with Adatan and Yadatan.
Bihram son of Yushamin - said the false words.
Bihram- The one in whom one is baptized. Also a name of the Banner associated with Shishlam.
Bihram-Rba – “This is the Benediction of Oil, which Bihram-Rba, son of Adam celebrated for his mother Hawa wife of Adam when she departed the body, whilst Hibil-Ziwa sat before them.” Qulasta # 74 
Bihrat-Anana - Yushamin's Spouse of Brilliance, a heavenly Goddess. Mother of Ethinsib-Ziwa.
Biriawish - the source of living waters, first upsurge that sprang forth. Giver of life to souls of the Masiqta.
Dmut Hiya (Adamuth-Hiya) - The Counterpart, or Likeness, of Life, Spouse of the Great Life. Mother of Yushamin. A very high and great Goddess oft paired with Mana (Mind). Also used to denote someone who is just like another, as in the case of Psalm 35 where Yeshu is compared to the Great Life.
El - An opponent of the chosen righteous and ally of Ruha.
Ethinsib-Ziwa - Son of Yushamin and Bihrat and the one who led the Yushamin war on heaven. Ethinsib disturbed the Shekintas.
Gaf - The ruler of an underworld and father of Ur by Ruha.
Ganziel (Ginzi'il, Kanzi'il) - The personification of Secret or Hidden Treasure.
Giu- The ruler of an underworld.
Gubran - Gubran betrayed the Kushta and agitated all the upper Yardnas.
Habshabba - Habshabba, the Day of the Sun, and his bride Kana d Zidqa (the holy feast food offerings) are oft spoken as one. They are heavenly Helpers of earthly Nazoreans during their ascent upward. Habshabba is said to deliver souls out of purgatory on his special day. Uthra over the first day of the lunar week. He presides over all the prison guards
Hag - A underworld being.
Ham Ziwa - The male counterpart to the occult Tanna. Means: "radiance glowed". See Qulasta 106.
Hashuprash - Said to be Anan-Nsab. Means: "He pondered and declared".
Hauran-Hauraran - A flourishing vine of life in the Yardna by whom Yawar raised up Uthras. Remover of the vestiges of mortality for departing souls.
Hawa Kasia- The counterpart to Adam Kasia.
Hawa Pagria - The wife of the incarnate Adam (Havah or Eve).
Hayasum (Haya-shom-Kusta) - An Uthra mentioned in the Ginza. "May the Name of Kushta Live". Put into the world the raising bucket and therein was called the physician.
Hayatta – Goddess of Life, counterpart to Malala the Word.
Hazazban - An Uthra connected with the myrtle wreath. The name means "This-Time.
Hibil (Hibil-Ziwa) - Hibil-Ziwa is the Primal Man, the Adam Qadmon of Mani. Yeshu the Nazorean is said in the Ginza to have declared himself an incarnation of Hibil-Ziwa. Hibil was also one of the three sons of Adam Kasia and a name of one of the seven sons of Ptahil.
Hiya (Haya) - The Life, the Living Ones, the force of life. Heavenly Parents. Presiding Gods over the highest Hahut Realm.
Hiya Qadmaya - 'Primal Life', First Life. Presiding God over the next to highest Lalut Realm. Yeshu and Maryam as Mana-Mind and Kushta-Truth.
Hiya Ptahil - the Fourth Life. Presiding God over the lower Nasut Realm. The lower Demiurge with some relation to the Ialdabaoth and Samael of the Nag.
Hiya Rba (Haya Raba) - 'Great Life', or Living Gods. Ultimate Male and Female Deities (Kuntazangpo and Kuntazangmo of the Bonpos & Nyingmas)
Hiya Tinyane - Second Life generally called Yushamin. Presiding God over the Yabarut Realm.
Hiya Tolithaye - the Third Life, Abathur the Father of the Uthri. 'The Ancient'. Presiding God over the Malakut Realm and Judge who weighs hearts against Sethil’s.
Izlat (Olzlat, Ezlat, Zlat Rabtia) - Heavenly Goddess and spouse of Shishlam. Her names means She-Wove and alludes to her role in helping weave the universe. A very high and great Goddess. The Living Soul and Mother of the 5 Great Buddhas or Elements of Light and the Light Robe armor of the First Man. Some relationship to Yeshu’s mother Maryam.
Kana - The Divine Source. The Pure Assembly.
Kana d-Zidqa - Kana d Zidqa (spouse of Habshabba) means the holy feast food offerings – collected alms filled with Ziwane. Heavenly witness to the righteousness of earthly Nazoreans and of their faithfulness to gather in the Light Cross.
Kanat-Nitufta - Kanat is the title of a Ruling Goddess in the Nazorean Heavens. Nitufta again means "drop" or formed impregnated seed.
Kanfiel- A heavenly being.
Kanfun - Uthra whose name is in the House of Life.
Karkawan-Ziwa - Being who assists Hauraran and Treasure of Light. Also an enrober of departed souls.
Krun (Akrun) - The ruler of one of the levels of darkness. Called the "mountain of flesh". Opponent of Hibil Ziwa.
Ktazil Bhira Dakia - The Chosen Pure One (usually Yawar).
Kushta (Kushta) - Kushta means Truth, and the Monastery (Sangha) and is a name of Maryam, the spouse of Mind in Valentinian theology. 
Lilith Zahriel - On the bed of the pregnant women hovers the Lilith Zahriel. A Goddess who helped Liliuk begin the Order of Nazoreans.
Liwiathan- The great dragon called Ur. The Leviathan of the Bible.
Mag, Magh - A being of darkness.
Mahzian-the-Word - Mahzian means the "spirit who bestows light." 
Malala – the Word. One of the 12 Great Names pronounced over the faithful. One of the 12 Great Names pronounced over the faithful.
Mana - This is the "Mind" of the Nag texts. The First Mana abode for 999,000 myriad of years in his abode. Emmanator of Nitufta, the First Drop.
Mana uDmuta - Mana and his Likeness, or Likeness of Spirit. Relates to the Mother of Life, counterpart of the Living Spirit in Mani's system. One of the 12 Great Names pronounced over the faithful.
Manda d-Hiya - Manda d-Hiya means Gnosis of Life, or Temple of the Living Ones. A title used for a variety of beings. Savior spirit sometimes identified with Hibil. One who looks out for humanity. Sometimes as a younger brother of Hibil-Ziwa. Manda d-Hiya and Mahzian appear to have originally been titles for the Living Spirit, but ones which were attached to Yeshu later on. Manda d-Hiya is a title Mandaeans substituted for the name Yeshu in their sacred texts. Manda d Hiya is one of the 12 Great Names pronounced over the faithful. Sometimes said to be the son of Nishibtun.
Mani (Mar Mani, Mani-Hiya) – The Parclete promised by Yeshu and the Maitreya by Buddhists. A 3rd century incarnation of the Holy Spirit.
Mara d-Rabuta - Mara d Rabutha is the Lord of Greatness.
Ma-Rba - One of the names of the Great Sealing of the Mighty Sublime Life.
Maru - One who plants boughs and trees on new earths.
Melki-Ziwa - King of Light behind the north star. His four children are: 'In Hai, Sum-Hai, Ziv-Hai, Nhur-Hai. Ain-Hiya and Nhurah-Hiya are female names.
Miryai – Called the Way, Kushta Truth, and Simat Hiya the Treasury of Truth in the Secret Teachings of the Angelic Kings. First Buddha in Yeshu’s lineage. A convert to Nazoreanism from Judaism. Brief bride of Yeshu, spouse of Yuhana the Beloved (John the Beloved), successor to James, and soul mate of Mani. Miryai was said by Yeshu in the Pistis Sophia to be a manifestation, along with Maryam, of the Virgin of Light. Miryai is imperfectly represented in the flawed New Testament by the figure of Mary Magdalene. Miryai was the prototype of the later Christian invention of Mary Magdalene.
Maryam (Miryam) – the mother of Yeshu and an expression of the Virgin of Light. Shares the title of Kushta with Miryai.
Namrus (Nimrus) - another name for Ruha. Possibly derived from the Greek for Law, meaning Torah goddess.
Nbat, Enwat- "It burst forth". A spirit of fertility and life often invoked in spiritual texts and formulas. The First Great Radiance and Bursting Forth.
Nbat-Rba – This spirit won the war with Yushamin.
Nbat-Ziwa – The father of Yawar and King of the Uthras.
Nhur-Hai - Light of Life, one of the four sons of perfection behind the north star. (A goddess)
Nibta - threw quarreling into the world.
Nidbai (and Silmai) - Two angelic ones who make baptisms valid on a spiritual level. Heavenly Helpers of earthly Nazoreans in becoming pure. "He who established prayers." Signs with the pure sign in baptism.
Nisbat Utria "She Planted", was the mother of Uthras.
Nitufta - "Drop" who abode for 444,000 myriad of years in Her own abode. Female element of the Creator.
Nsab (and Anan-Ns'ab) - Nsab means the implanter or impregnator, Anan Nsab means spouse of the Planter. Fertility deities. Heavenly Helpers of earthly Nazoreans in implanting righteousness, goodness and virtue within others.
Oin Hai - The Well of Life, one of the four children of perfection behind the north star. A Goddess originally.
Pardun - Uthra whose name is in the House of Life.
Piriawis – Divine Being over the hidden springs under the Yardna.
Piriawis-Malaka (Piriawis-Ziwa) - Angel presiding over the easy movement and non obstruction of water flows.
Pirun - The great Occult First Vine from whom came 888,000 Uthras. The female counterpart to Shrar.
Pta-Hai - Opener of the Door of Life in heaven.
Ptahil, the son of Zahriel - Lower Demiurge and Fourth Life and son of Zahriel (Miryai) the second spouse of Hibil Ziwa. Creator of the physical and a spiritual earth who does an imperfect job. Jealous of Hibil. Said to be the son of Hibil or Abathur. 
Qardum- A demonic entity.
Qaruiya (Qaruya) - The Caller. Kuan-Yin. The Call of Life. The yang of the yin Oniana. 
Qin - The mother of darkness and of Ruha and Zahriel.
Qmamir-Ziwa - He who plants flowers and herbs, and healing herbs and plants on new earths.
Rahmiil - An Uthra often invoked in love-charms and talismans and exorcisms. Means Mercy of God.
Ram - A being who helped repopulate the world after destruction (with Rud).
Razia-Rba - The Great Mystery, Zihrun.
Ruaz - the great first secret Vine which looses milky juices. Means: "He flourished or sprouted".
Rud - A being who helped repopulate the world after destruction (with Ram).
Ruha - The daughter of Qin, once married to her brother Gaf. Taken to the upper world by Hibil Ziwa and gave birth to Ur there. She married her son Ur and begot of him the 7 planets and 12 zodiacs. Ruha is the female form of the Hindu demon Rahu.
Ruha Qadesh - The Holy Spirit. Used as a negative term by some sects hostile to Yeshu.
Samandirel - Uthra who takes prayer and liturgical praising in receipt, brings it in its treasure house and keeps it. The Uthra associated with flowers and blossoms.
Sam-Hiya (Sam-Smir, Sam-Mana-Smira, Sam-Ziwa, Sam-Ziwa-Dakia) - The one who gives light to Simat Hiya. A flourishing vine of life in the Yardna. The one upon whom the Yardna was bestowed. One of the 12 Great Names pronounced over the faithful. Sam-Ziwa is the pure, eldest, beloved, great, first Radiance - An emanation of the First Radiant Light who represents secure residency and constancy in the light. Sam-Ziwa-Dakia is the Eldest, beloved, great first being. The Light Mind of Mani.
Sanasiel - Stands at the Great Gate of Life and prays for souls. "to blossom".
Sar - Sar means the one who travels or is strong. Sarwan is his spouse. Heavenly Helpers of earthly Nazoreans in their long trek homeward.
Sarat (Sharat) - The Overflowing (Goddess). A female Uthra called "the great first hidden Vine".
Sarat-Anana - The Overflowing Cloud
Sarat-Gufna - The Overflowing Vine
Sarat-Nitufta ( Sharat-Nitufta) - Sharat means "she was firm". She is called the First Great Hidden Vine. Nitufta means "drop" and signifies the female forming principle of creation.
Sarat-uabdat-ukisrat - "She was firm and she acted and was successful". A Being in the land of the First Life.
Sarhabyil - A female Uthra. Means "to propagate". The "First Great Radiance". Also the name of the female half of the second pair to re-people the earth.
Sauriel - The Angel of Death working under Ptahil.
Sdum (Shdum, Ashdum) - The ruler of the underworld, a warrior of darkness, a gate and a demon.
Shabut - The Mighty Will. A Good light Being.
Shaq (Shaq Rba) - "Cloud", or "Clouds". Shaq Rba is the Great Cloud. Also a son of Yushamin and a ruler over a purgatory.
Shaq-Ziwa-Rba-Qadmaya - The Great First Radiance was Brilliant. A Heavenly Being full of blessing for the elect. One of the 12 Great Names pronounced over the faithful.
Shingilan-uthra - A heavenly Buddha being, or Uthra mentioned in the Book of John and elsewhere. Singilan-Uthra takes the jar with Frankincense and brings it before the Mana.
Shishlam (Sislam, Shishlam-Rba) - Shishlam Raba is the archetype of every priest (and his spouse 'Zlat of every Priestess). He makes smooth the way homeward. His marriage is the pattern of all marriages. This is the Primal Man, Adam Qadmon of the Kabbalists. One of the 12 Great Names pronounced over the faithful.
Shum (Sam, Shem) - The son of Noah called Shem in the Bible. A great Messenger and Prophet of Light.
Shrar - See Srar.
Shurbai - A heavenly being.
Sihlun - Uthra whose name is in the House of Life. He questioned the wisdom of Hibil in creating the physical world.
Silmai (Shilmay) – Companion of Nidvay and one of two angelic ones who make baptisms valid on a spiritual level. Heavenly Helpers of earthly Nazoreans in becoming pure. The "Immerser at Immersion".
Simandryil - A heavenly being.
Simat - The "Treasury", an epithet given to Ruha, a ship, a throne and one of Ptahil's wives.
Simat Hiya - The Treasury of Life, a Nazorean Goddess linked with Yawar. A very high and great Goddess. One of the 12 Great Names pronounced over the faithful. She is the life within the Yardna and the Living Robe hidden in its Baptismal waters. “They hated the Treasure of Life - Miryai, the dear Kustha-Truth.”
Simiayil- A demonic being.
Sindirka - Datepalm, spouse of Aina the Wellspring. The Father of Light, Amen, the Source of All. One of the 12 Great Names pronounced over the faithful. Also known as Pira, Hiya Rba, Zurvan, etc.
Sithil (Sethil) - Seth, the son of Adam the first man as an earthly incarnation of the heavenly Sethil-Uthra and first to offer his life for another. Abathur weighs the souls of the dead against the pure soul of Sethil.
Srar (Shrar) - the great occult first Vine whose fruits are a 1000 1000.
Sum-Hai - Name of Life, one of the four sons of perfection behind the north star.
Tanna Kasia - A heavenly being.
Tanna - The female counterpart to Ham Ziwa. Vapor, womb or Matrix. A very high and great Goddess.
Tar u-Tarwan - mean the Overflowing and Overwhelming Goodness. These are all beings of blessing and election who help earthly Nazoreans to progress.
Tatagmir - Tree situate in the celestial Yardna.
Tauriel- Sometimes identified with Yawar. One who rests on the pastures of the water.
Ulusria - His Mind, His Thought, Minds. Emanation of Zihrun (Heavenly Mother).
Ur - The great serpent, son of Ruha. The dragon that devours bad souls. The Leviathan of the Bible, the unholy builder of Jerusalem (Ur-ashlam)
Usar - the one who broke bread for the hidden first Uthras. The Great Awakener (Yawar). The Osiris of the Egyptians. Also called Usar-Nhura - "Treasure of Light", the great solace and support of life; and Usar-Hiya - Opener of the Door of Life in heaven.
Ustuna-Rba - The Great Body, or Great Column. Mani's Column of Glory manifesting as the Milky Way and spinal column in humankind. See Adakias. Archetype of the Imam, the Pillar Axis.
Yadatan - One of two beings who bequeath wings of glory and open heavenly doors for the ascending elect. See Adatan. One of the two witnesses and assessors of Abathur, and made them to be recorders for him
Yaha-Yaha - Angels which come against those who send the evil eye against the Baptized.
Yahia-Yuhana - John the Baptist.
Yaluz-Yaluz - A Divine Being associated with Baptism and mentioned in the Nazorean Credo. "Joyful & Rejoicing"
Ya-Rba - One of the names of the Great Sealing of the Mighty Sublime Life.
Yawar - "Dazzling", a solar deity. Same as Yawar-Ziwa.
Yawar Ziwa - There is Dazzling Radiance. Husband of Simat Hiya. Mani's Great Builder. One of the 12 Great Names pronounced over the faithful. Called the father of the Uthras and the master of all Monasteries.
Yawar-Tatgmur - said to be Nsab
Yeshu bar Miriam – Yeshu, son of Maryam, a pure form of Jesus.
Yeshu d-Hiya – Yeshu of Life, or the Living Yeshu, a form of Jesus found in the Brucianus codex and other ancient Gnostic scrolls. The substitution within this Breviary for the Mandaean interpolation of Manda d-Hiya or Gnosis of Life.
Yeshu–Ziwa - Yeshu the Radiant, a title of Jesus from Mani. Its feminine form is Maryam d-Noorah or Mary the Luminous.
Yosmir-Gufna - Under Yosmir-Gufna 12000 Uthras sit.
Yosmir-Ziwa - Source of sesame seed oil for the Misa.
Yufafin - A pair, with Yufin, of Heavenly Beings who bless humankind.
Yufin - A pair, with Yufafin, of Heavenly Beings who bless humankind.
Yukabar Ziwa - A heavenly being. Yukabar brought peace into the world. Probably Mani's Third Envoy. One of the 12 Great Names pronounced over the faithful.
Yukasar - Source of Radiance. The name means: "The spirit of success". A son of Ptahil who answered Kushta.
Yur (Yur Rba, Yoruba) - Being of brilliant light, a god of the sun who traverses the world in his solar chariot.
Yushamin the Pure, son of Nisbutun - Yushamin the pure is the Peacock Uthra sent out of the original Land of Light. Archetype of the careless priest. Yushamin's Spouse is Bihrat-Anana. Together they are the 2nd Life.
Yusmir the First Vine – One who gave the staff of water to Yawar.
Yuzataq (Yuzataq Manda d-Hiya) - An epithet attached to Manda d-Hiya as the Living, or Holy Spirit. A title of Yeshu in many places such as the Masiqta.
Zahriel- The underworld bride of Hibil-Ziwa, along with Ruha. Miryai as the Little Sophia. On the bed of the pregnant women hovers the Lilith Zahriel. She also placed a crown of light on Hibil before his descent.
Zan-Hazazban - A spirit ruling over a purgatory.
Zha-Zha - Angels which come against those who send the evil eye against the Baptized.
Zhir u-Zahrun - means "the Illuminated and the Illuminating."
Zihrun - The great mystery of Radiance. Revealer and opener of radiance and light. Also known as Hiya, Hiya Rba, Amin, Zirvan, Zurvan, Sindirka, etc. There is also a lesser Zihrun that helped create the earthly heavens.
Ziv-Hai - Radiance of Life, one of the four sons of perfection behind the north star.
Zurvan - the Father of Light, the Great Life, the Palmtree. Same as the Zarathustrian Zurvan and the Buddha of time worshipped by Tibetans. The Highest Deity in the Nazorean pantheon.

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