50 Gods & Goddesses of the
Gnostic Mythos
Allocated to the 50 weeks and seven seasons of
the year
Qyamta: Peaceful oneness of the Light Land (Realm
of Lalut)
1. Father of Light
dZiwa) - Abba dRabuta, the Father of Greatness (Pera, Deep, King of Light,
God of Truth, Hidden God, Zurvan, Kuntuzangmo, Amin, Samantabhadra) - The
same as the male form of the Nazorean Amin-Hiya, the Father of Light who
is called Pera in Aramaic, meaning fruit, and the Deep in Valentinian Gnosticism.
Same as the Bon and Nyingma Küntu Zangpo who is one of the peaceful
deities, his name means "The All-Good". The Father of Greatness is also
called the Father of Light and he represents the 1° of Nazirutha which
manifests out of the 0° Kunzhi, or the Base of Everything. He also
represents White Compassion-Essence. In many Manichaean texts this Father
of Light is called Zurvan, the Father of Time. Amin is the Adi-buddha,
and is a male-female, or yab-yum, pair. In Tibetan Buddhism, the Adi-buddha
is variously referred to as Vajradhara and Vajradhatu-ishvari or Samantabhadra-Samantabhadri
(these being male-female pairs). In Manichaeism Zurvan represents the non
dual oneness of Dzogchen which is revealed at the end of time to his warriors
of light. Outside the Father there are his Five Tabernacles or Shechinatha,
Intelligence, Reason, Thought, Reflection, and Will.
2. Great Spirit,
Wellspring (Aina) - (Mother of all Buddhas, Mother of the Living, Great
Spirit, Amma d-Hiya, Dum, Barbelo, Silence, Kuntuzangmo) - The same as
the female form of the Nazorean Amin-Hiya, and Mother of Life. She is the
Valentinian Silence, or Dum in Aramaic, and the Barbelo of the Nag texts.
Female form and consort of the Bon and Nyingma Küntu Zangpo. This
goddess is depicted, in Bon, as white and completely naked and is known
as the "all good woman". In Bon She is shown iconographically in union
with Samantabhadra her consort. She represents the 2° of Nazirutha,
and Red Wisdom-Nature. The Great Spirit is the mother of the First Man
and is distinct from the Mother of Life who aids the Living Spirit in his
3. Mind
(Mana) - Primal Man of Manichaeism, before his descent.
4. Truth
(Kusta) - Primal Woman, female coutnerpart to the Primal Man of Manichaeism,
before their descent.
5. Logos
(Malala) - the Living Spirit of Manichaeism, in his Light Land role before
his demiurgical work begins.
6. Life
(Hayatta) - the Mother of Life of Manichaeism, in her Light Land
role before her demiurgical work begins.
7. 5Sons of
Primal Man (Hamsha Bnia) - Five Children of
Primal Man (Five Light Gods, Light Cross, Ala-Ziwane) - 5 Buddhas: Living
Zephyr, Wind, Light, Water and Fire. These are five sons of the First Man,
who are the Five Lights, the Five Helpers of the Pistis Sophia, and the
Dhyana Buddhas of Zen. The First Man's garment, armor, five weapons, or
five elements. They are the light elements, the Buddha nature, the Light
Cross, dispersed in the material universe. They must be collected together
and sent back on high. They hide in fresh produce and in human and animal
Suloqo: The war with darkness and the sending
of the Primal Man. The swallowing of the fivefold robe and the seeding
of the darkness (Realm of Yabarut)
8. Primal Man
(Anasha Qadmaya) - Primal Man (Mana, Mind, Nous, Adam Qadmon, "First Enthymesis")
- He represents the 3° of Nazirutha and Ziwa Light-Energy. With the
Primal Woman he makes up the Primal Pair. The same as Shishlam Rba in the
Mandaic pantheon. He offered himself in the first great war of heaven as
a scapegoat and sacrifice. The Adam Qadmon of the Cabbalists. Related to
the Buddhist Vajrasattva. Vajrasattva is the first emanation from the Adi-buddha,
meaning Eternal Gnosis or "adamantine nature", and his female image is
Visva-Tara (Vajrasattvatmika). Vajrasattva is described in Vajrayana texts
as the quintessence of adamantine-nature or self-nature (swabhava), and
appears in radiance and emptiness from the centre of one’s own being. Hibil-Ziwa
(Yeshua/Jesus) of the earlier Nazoreans. Ohrmizd of the Zarathustrians.
Primal Woman (Truth, Kushta, Havah Qadmon)
- She represents the 4° of Nazirutha and Noorah Light-Energy. With
the Primal Man she makes up the Primal Pair. The same as Ozlat in the Mandaic
9. Living Soul/Robe
- Living Soul (Living Self) - The Light Cross trapped in matter which is
personified in the Boy, or Yeshu the Youth. Represents the unified or scattered
soul of the Primal Pair engathered by all the Elect. The group soul of
the spiritual family of Yeshu and Maryam.
10. Nahasbat
- He put on first the aerial breeze, then threw over himself light as a
flaming mantle, and over this light a covering of water; he surrounded
himself with gusts of wind, took light as his lance and shield, and cast
himself downward toward the line of danger. An angel called Nahashbat,
carrying a crown of victory, went before him. The First-Man projected his
light before him, and the King of Darkness seeing it, thought and said:
"What I have sought from afar, lo, I have found it near me.
11. Beloved of
Light (Habib) - (Friend of Light) - The same
as Simat-Hiya, the Treasury of Life, in the Mandaic pantheon. Called the
"Second Messenger" in Chinese texts. Metaphysically represents the Red
Bodhicitta Drop. (Sometimes referred to as male.)
12. Great Architect(Ban
Rba) - Great Builder - (Great Architect, Ban Rba) - The Great Architect,
by command of the Third Messenger, builds the New Paradise which awaits
the faithful. Metaphysically represents the White Bodhicitta Drop and the
development of the new man or robe of glory within. The same as Yawar-Ziwa
in the Mandaic pantheon.
13. Mother of
Life (Oma dHiya) - Mother of Life – Assists
the Living Spirit and takes part in the creation of the world out of the
bodies of the demons. Female counterpart to the Living Spirit in the same
way the Great Spirit is to the Father of Light. Sometimes confused by scholars
with the Great Spirit.
14. Father of
Life/Living Soul (Ruh dHiya) - Living
Spirit (Father of Life) - The Savior of the fallen First Man who helps
Hibil regain his purity and ascend back to the Light Land. The Creator
of the universe and the one who created the cosmos from the shreds of the
archons. Metaphysically represents the Unified (red-white) Bodhicitta drop.
Nusardil: The reordering and recreation by the
Living Spirit thru his Five Sons and the setting in motion of the machinery
of refinement. (Realm of Malakut)
15. Keeper of
Splendour (Zepat Ziwa) - Keeper of Splendor
– One of the Five Sons of Living Spirit who rules in the tenth heaven and
over the top three. Similar to Melki-Ziwa, the Mandaic King of Splendor.
The rich and abundant world-upholding Master, the brave, resolute, and
free King of the Ten Heavens
16. King Honor
(Malak Shubkha) - King of Honor – One of the Five Sons of Living Spirit.
Rules over the seventh heaven.
17. Adamas of
Light (Adamasa d-Nhura) – One of the
Five Sons of Living Spirit. His authority is between the firmament and
the earth. He is a destroyer of earth monsters.
18. Great King
Glory (Malka Rba dYaqra) - King of Glory –
One of the Five Sons of Living Spirit. Turns the three wheels and has authority
over the three earths above the Porter.
19. Porter/Atlas
(Sabala) - His Brother also, who is near him, the fifth Son of Light, is
the stout-hearted Hero The Manbed-god Who stands on the lowest earth and
keeps the earths in order. Patience, the Messenger of the Light who is
in the bowels of the earth, the Supporter, the great Burdenbearer who treads
upon the depth with the soles of his feet, holding up the earths with his
hands, lifting up the load of the creations. The Supporter has authority
. . over this great earth on which he stands and over the four Supports
that are at his feet (Kephalia 171:8-11), (together with) his three glorious
Columns, his five holy vaults, his Gods and his Angels (Mani Psalms. 138:
56-58) that are spread over the earth (Mani Psalms. 145: 5). In the watch
of the Supporter, again, the lower columns were exposed and revolted against
(?) their bond-age a great earthquake happened in that place a (Kephalia
171: 25-27).
20. Maiden of
Light (Amta dNhura) - Virgin of Light (Angelic
Maiden, Maiden of Light, Light Maiden, Goddess of Lightning) - Spouse of
Third Envoy. Represents internally the lunar Ida nadi which carries feminine
essence. A lunar or Lightning Goddess of whom both Miryai d-Magdala and
Maryam (Virgin Mary or Maiden Mary) were emanations according to Yeshu.
Maryam-Noorah, or Mary the Luminous, in polarity with Yeshu-Ziwa, or Jesus
the Splendorous. Represents the projected Anima manifest in the moon which
the male archons fell in love with. A Light judge in the Pistis Sophia
codex. She figuratively fights against the demons of thunderstorms.
21. Third Messenger
Izgada) - Third Envoy (Envoy, Third Ambassador, Third Messenger) - Represents
internally the Pingala solar nadi, the male complementary nadi to Ida.
A solar Deity. Represents the projected Animus manifest in the sun which
the female archons fell in love with. The being who set in motion the pathways
within the cosmos, started the wheels turning, inaugurated reincarnation,
Sleewa: The revelation of the image, the spurting
forth, and the making of non physical and physical man. Solidification
of the material world.
Adam and Havah entombed and encased in a stinking
stump of physical flesh. Awakening of Adam by Hibil-Yeshu (Realm of Nasut)
22. Pistis Sophia
(Kanat Nitufta) - Pistis Sophia is the fallen soul. (Kanat is the
title of a Ruling Goddess in the Nazorean Heavens. Nitufta again means
"drop" or formed impregnated seed.) "The perfect Saviour said: Son of Man
consented with Sophia, his consort, and revealed a great androgynous light.
Its male name is designated 'Saviour, begetter of all things'. Its female
name is designated 'All-begettress Sophia'. Some call her 'Pistis'."
23. 4th Life/Lower
Demiurge (Ptahil) - (Ptahil, the son of Zahriel
- Lower Demiurge and Fourth Life and son of Zahriel (Miryai) the second
spouse of Hibil Ziwa. Creator of the physical and a spiritual earth who
does an imperfect job. Jealous of Hibil. Said to be the son of Hibil or
24. Az (Ruha)
- Ruha - Az is the demoness of greed and worldliness. Az - Demoness
of Greed equating with the Mandaean Ruha.(Ruha is the The daughter of Qin,
once married to her brother Gaf. Taken to the upper world by Hibil Ziwa
and gave birth to Ur there. She married her son Ur and begot of him the
7 planets and 12 zodiacs. Ruha is the female form of the Hindu demon Rahu.)
Five Dark Elements - deadly: smoke, fire, wind, water, darkness.
25. Fleshy Adam
(Adam Pagra) - Humankind created by Az.
26. Cross of
(Zaliba dZiwa) - Light Cross - The Buddha
nature hidden in nature, deposited there in the first war when the robe
of the Primal Man was swallowed by darkness.
27. Radiant Jesus
- Yeshu-Ziwa (Jesus the Splendor, Yeshu, Moon God) - The same as the Nazorean
Yeshu and the Mandaean Hibil-Ziwa and oft called Manda d-Hiya in Mandaic
literature. Represents the Animus and the awakening of Eve. The Animus
is the personification of all masculine psychological tendencies within
a woman, the archetypal masculine symbolism within a woman's unconscious.
In the Sâhbuhragân he is called Xradišahr, god of the world
of wisdom, or god of the nous. He emanates the Light Mind, through such
sends out all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Prophetesses, and apostles of truth.
28. Hour of Life
dHiya) - Female counterpart to Yeshu-Ziwa as enlightener in the beginning,
in Eden. Represents Anima Consciousness and the awakening of Adam. The
Anima is the personification of all feminine psychological tendencies within
a man, the archetypal feminine symbolism within a man's unconscious. Twelve
Hours -The auspicious, clean, and pure embodiments of Light, who appear
in forms now of men and then of women, beautiful and unique, graceful and
solemn beyond compare.
Soubra: The Call of Life awakens the slumbering
Pearls imprisoned in physical form (Realm of Malakut)
29. Apostles
(Shlihia) - Heralds of that Good Realm - Various Prophets and Apostles
of Light. (Shliha in Aramaic)
30.Call of Life(Qara
dHiya) - (Kuan-yin, or Avalokitesvara) - The Caller, the Call of Life,
the same as the great bodhisattva Kuan-yin or Avalokitesvara. One of the
Three Sages of the World of Ultimate Bliss. The same as the Mandaic Qaruiya
or Qaruya - The Caller. He is the sixth son of the Living Spirit.
31. Answer
(Oniana) - (Shihchih, Mahasthamaprapta) - The Answer God, or Response.
Known in Buddhism as Shihchih, or Mahasthamaprapta. One of the two bodhisattvas
of Amitabha Buddha, along with Kuan-yin. One of the Three Sages of the
World of Ultimate Bliss. The same as the Mandaic The Response, or Oniana.
Sometimes called the sixth son of the First Man.
32. Yeshu the
Boy (Yeshu Yanuq) - Jesus the Youth - A form
of Yeshu representing his Buddha nature, or Living Soul, trapped in nature.
33. Light Mind
dZiwa) - (Light Nous, called Holy Spirit, Living Spirit) - A spiritual
principle represented by both Mani and Yeshu. That which enters into the
subtle body and builds the New Man or New Woman and keeps down the materialistic
forces of darkness. Anticipator of Thought, easing and pacifying all natures
of absoluteness, reanimating all delicate and wonderful bodies: for the
sick he is the King of Medicine, for the tortured he brings joy and happiness.
Five Daughters of the Light Mind – A set of deities not clearly articulated
in surviving Manichaean records. Represents the 5 Aggregates of Buddhism.
34. Rags
(Sadaq) - "the power that lightens, that is swallowed, kneaded, and intertwined
in the body of the world."
35. New Man
(Gabra Hadta) - born again Manichaean verses the Old Man -
carnal worldly person.
Yalda: The raising up of the Ziwaneh within and
without and transendance of physical limitation (Realm of Yabarut)
36. 12 Buckets
(Mdaulauata Trisar) - "Having come, then, he prepared for himself
the work for the Saving of the Souls; he put together a machine with twelve
Buckets, the twelve 'Virgins' with their robes and crowns and characteristics.
The first is Royalty, the second Wisdom and the third Victory; the fourth
is Content-ment, the fifth Purity and the sixth Truth; the seventh is Faith,
the eighth Patience 5 and the ninth Sincerity; the tenth is Kindness, and
the eleventh is Justice, & while the twelfth is Light. On being turned
round by the Sphere this (wheel) draws up the Souls of the dying."
37. Counsel of
Life (Mulkan dHiya) - Thought of Life
(Enthymesis of Life, Obedience God) – The union of the Call and Answer
God which represents lost pearl’s innate drive for redemption.
38. Column of
Glory (Otzun Yaqra) - (Sulushailuoi, Lushena)
– He collects the redeemed souls and light particles and lifts them up
to the moon, which in turn will give them to the sun on the full moon.
Represents internally the Sushumna: the major nadi that runs up the spinal
column. Some relationship to the Sufi and Shiite concept of the Axis of
the World and the Hidden Imam which are concepts they inherited from the
cryptic Manichaeans within their midst. Related to the Final Statue. The
man of perfectness, the column of diamond form, supporting and upholding
the world, spreading, filling all things with his own wonderful body and
his own great strength, voluntarily promising benefits for the favorite
child who lives as one.
39. Ship of Living
Water (Sira Markabta) - Moon - Light Ship,
Ship of First Man, Ship of Living Waters.
40. Twin
(Taum) - Paraclete (Partner, Tawm, Al-Taum, Twin) – Mani’s light robe or
twin, which came to him at age 24. The promised Intercessor, or Holy Spirit
spoken by Yeshu. Also the Twin companion of all righteous pearls.
41. Perfect Man
(Gabra Gmir) - the heavenly counterpart to the Column of Glory -
almost identical but slightly different.
42. Ship of Living
Fire (Shamish Markabta) - the sunship that
eleveates ziwaneh upward after receiving it from the moon on the fullmoon.
Sauma: The shedding of the false skin and the
ascention of the Pearl in its paranirvana. (Realm of Lalut)
43. Death Angel
- The Angel of Death working under Ptahil.
44. Light Form
(Dma Ziwa) - Light-Form - This being comes with the three angels
to the souls of the deceased and leads them to paradise. The spiritual
Rainbow Robe of the elect.
45. Prize Angel
dAgra) - Brings the prize of victory to departed pure souls. One
of the Three Angels.
46. Robe Angel
(Malka dOstia) - Brings the robe of victory to departed pure souls.
One of the Three Angels.
47. Wreath Angel
dKlila) - Wreath Angel – Brings the wreath of victory to departed pure
souls. One of the Three Angels.
48. Judge
- Great Judge (Judge of Truth, "righteous judge", "truth-causing judge")
– This is Jesus the Splendor, the cosmic redeemer of the third evocation
and also a Judge who resides in space and judges the departed souls, sending
them back to reincarnate on earth if imperfect or to the New Paradise if
perfect. Yen-mo - Judge of the Dead, similar to the Hindu Yama. who has
kind thoughts and consideration, and is really the compassionate thinking
of Yeshu, the true and sincere Judge; the King of the Balance. Judge of
Truth - Great Judge, Judge in the Atmosphere.
49. Last Statue
(Zura Suf) (overlaps with week
1) Final Statue - The form of the Perfect
Man, or Column of Glory, in which the last redeemable parts of the light
will be freed in the final world conflagration.
The return to the Light Land triumphant and the
unveiling and merger with primordial unity. (Realm of Hahut)
50. Hidden Fullness
(Kana Kasia) (overlaps with week
1) The primordial ground of being where
the Father and Mother of Life abide as one.