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Nazirutha Aeons
Compared With The 32 Valentinian
The Order of Nazorean Essenes teaches that
the Gnosticism of Egypt, such as that of Valentinius, had its origins in
the pre-Christian Gnosis of the Nazoreans. In this article we will explore
the relationship between the Greek names of the 30 Aeons in Valentinian
Gnosticism and the Aramaic names of the Uthras from ancient Mandaic Texts
and modern Middle Eastern dialects like Syrian..
is a perfect pre-existence, Aeon, a dwelling in the invisible and unnameable
elevations; this is Pre-Beginning and Forefather and Depth. It is uncontainable
and invisible, eternal and ungenerated, in quiet deep solitude for infinite
aeons. With it is Thought, which is also called Grace and Silence. Depth
thought of emitting itself, a beginning of all. Like a seed, this thought
from Depth was placed into Silence, like a womb. Silence received this
seed and bore Mind. Mind resembled and was equal to it that had created
ground and origin of all things is PIRA, or more correctly, PERA RABBA
("the great abyss,"...), associated with whom, and forming a triad with
him, are the primal aeons AYAR ZIVA RABBA, 'the Great Shining Aether,'
and MANA RABBA D'EKARA, 'the great spirit of glory,' usually called simply
MANA RABBA. The last-named, the most prominent of the three, is the King
of Light properly so-called, from whom the development of all things begins.
"From him emanates YARDENA RABBA, 'the Great Jordan,' which, as the
higher-world soul, permeates the whole aether; the domain of Ayar. Alongside
of MANA RABBA frequent mention is made of D'MUTHA, his "IMAGE", as a female
power; the name 'image of the Father' arises out of the same conception
as that which gives rise to the name of Ennoia among the Greek Gnostics.
"MANA RABBA called into being the highest
of the aeons properly so-called, HAYYE KADMAYE, 'Primal Life', and then
withdrew into deepest secrecy, visible indeed to the highest but not to
the lowest aeons (cf. Sofia and Propator), yet manifesting himself also
to the souls of the more pious of the Mandaeans after their separation
from the body. Primal Life, who is properly speaking the Mandaean God,
has the same predicates as the primal spirit, and every prayer, as well
as every section of the sacred books, begins by invoking him.
Valentinian & Mandaic
The Ancient Nazorean term for the original
Fulness appears to have been Kimsa. When this term was translated
into Greek it became Pleroma. The term for Emanation appears to
have been Uthra. When this term was translated into Greek it became
Greek Title
Pleroma (Fulness)
Aramaic-Mandaic Title
Mandaic: Fullness, Storehouse
Mandaic: Fulnesss of the cosmos
"Shulm, Shalama"
$wlm N $wlm)
1 Syr perfection
2 Syr end
3 Syr fulness
LS2 783
LS2 v: $uwlAmA)
abs. voc: $uwlAm
plrwm N plrwm)
1 Syr fulness
LS2 576 |
Greek Title
Ogdoad (group
of 8)
Aramaic-Mandaic Title
tmynyw N tmynywt)
1 Syr being eighth
2 Syr number eight
3 Syr ogdoad
LS2 827
LS2 v: tmiynAyuwtA) |
Greek Title
Aeon (Time,
Aramaic-Mandaic Title
Mandaic: Treasure, Treasury, Archangel, Bodhisattva |
(group of 8)
The Ancient Nazorean term for the original
First Principle and First Father appears to have been Pira, meanng
Abyss. When this term was translated into Greek it became Bythos,
or Abyss.
The Mandaic term for the original Mother appears
to have been Dmutha, meaning Image or Counterpart. When this term
was translated into Greek it became Sige, or Silence, perhaps because
of the similarity adn word play between Dmu and Dum. The
realted term Dmuta, realted to Tree Vine, also explains why the
Hidden Living Ones in Nazorean Hymns from the Qulasta are often called
Vines, and Trees. The term Ama, meaning "mother", also has
a meaning of Main Vine, reinforcing the Nazorean concept of Heavenly Mother
being a Flourishing Vine and Tree of Life. Another Aramaic word for silence,
also means "will" and "grace", additional titles given to this highest
female principle or Aeon in later Gnostic writings. (In the later Gnostic
system of Ptolemaeus the Great Deep was given two female consorts, one
names Silence and one named Will.)
Male Aeon (Greek)
Female Aeon (Greek)
Bythius (The Deep)
Sige (Silence)
Male Uthra (Aramaic)
Female Uthra (Aramaic)
Mandaic: "the great abyss,"
)b#4 N )b)
1 Syr,JBA,Mand fruit
LS2 1
LS2 v: )eb.A)
B: )b)#3 N
(mq V
011 Syr to become deep
012 Syr to be low
013 Syr to be disturbed
021 Syr to make deep
022 Palestinian,Syr to penetrate deeply
051 Syr to be low
052 Syr to be placed low
053 Syr to be hidden
054 Syr to hide oneself
055 Syr %b$entA)% to sleep profoundly
056 Syr to pronounce low in the throat
031 Syr to make deep
061 Syr to have one's depths explored
LS2 531
Mandaic: Image, likeness, archetype, kind, counterpart, heavenly double
Mandaic: To be quiet, silence, be silenced
dwmy N dwmy)
1 Syr similarity
2 Syr image, figure
3 Syr verisimilitude
4 Syr something like
5 Syr + %d% just as
LS2 156
LS2 v: duwmyA)
R dmy
dmw N dmwt)
1 passim likeness
2 OAHalaf,Palestinian,Syr image, form
3 Syr example, type
4 Syr copy
5 Syr genus
6 Syr clothing
7 Syr constellation
8 Palestinian,Syr %badmuwt% like
LS2 156
LS2 v: dmuwtA)
R dmy
dm(h N dm(t)
1 passim tear
2 Syr,CPA effluent (of tree, vine)
LS2 158
LS2 v: dem(tA)
nyx N nyx)
1 Syr quiet
2 Syr quiet place
3 Syr recreation
4 Syr pleasure
5 Syr will
6 Syr grace
7 Palestinian rest
8 JBA gentleness
LS2 419
LS2 V: nyAxA)
abs. voc: nyAx
)m N )m)
1 Syr,ImpArMesop,Nab,Palm,
Hatran,Palestinian,CPA,JBA mother
2 Palestinian point of division
3 Syr abbess
4 Syr main shoot of vine
5 Syr origin
6 Syr +%damdiynAtA)% metropolis
7 Syr +%dgamle)% musical instrument
8 Syr +%drEy$A)% scalp
LS2 23
LS2 v: )emA)
Ayar Ziva Rabba
Mandaic: 'the Great Shining Aether,' |
"Mind alone comprehends the magnitude
of his Father; he is called Only-Begotten and Father and Beginning of All.
Along with him, Truth was emitted; this makes the first Four, the root."
Male Aeon (Greek)
Female Aeon (Greek)
Nous (Mind)
Aletheia (Truth)
Male Uthra (Aramaic)
Female Uthra (Aramaic)
Mandaic: Mind, Robe, Vessel
Mana Rabba D'ekara
Mandaic: 'the great spirit of glory,'
Mana Rabba
Mandaic: Great Mind
(Hayye KadmayeMandaic:
Life', First Life)
Mandaic: Turth, Pact, Covenant, Integrity |
"When Only-Begotten perceived why
he had been emitted, he too emitted Logos and Life, since he was the father
of all to come after him, and was the beginning of the whole Pleroma.
This Logos is Maziel the Mandaic Word and the
Manichaean Living Spirit.
Male Aeon (Greek)
Female Aeon (Greek)
Logos (Word)
Zoe (Life)
Male Uthra (Aramaic)
Female Uthra (Aramaic)
Mandaic: Speech, the word, logos
mlh N mlt)
1 passim word
2 Palestinian,JBA,Syr thing
3 Syr case
4 Syr theological term logos
5 Syr grammatical term proposition, word
6 Syr promise
7 Syr consensus
8 Syr power of speech
9 Palestinian,Syr exposition
10 Syr Reason (logos)
11 Syr %(bad m'% to pray
12 Syr %$uwbxA)% doxology
13 Syr proverb
14 JBA (bd to let blood
LS2 386
LS2 v: melt_A)
Mandaic: Female form of Life, Living, and alive.
Mandaic: Living, alive.
xyyn N
1 passim life
2 Syr salvation
LS2 229
LS2 V: xay:e)
"From the union of Logos and Life
were emitted Man and Church.
This Man is the Perfect Man, Adam Pagra (Earthly
Adam), also called Adam Kasia in some Mandaic texts.
Male Aeon (Greek)
Female Aeon (Greek)
Anthropos (Perfect Man)
Ekklesia (Church)
Male Uthra (Aramaic)
Female Uthra (Aramaic)
)n$ N )n$)
1 passim person, someone
2 Syr man of God
3 Syr pl men
4 Syr pl some
5 Syr inhabitants
6 Syr family, relatives
7 MiddleAr,JLA %by% household members
LS2 31
LS2 v: )~nA$A)
Mandaic: Human, man |
(dh N (dt)
1 ImpArEg,Syr assembly
2 JLATg,Syr congregation
3 Syr church
LS2 515
LS2 V: (Edt.A)
Assembly (Mandaic)
dyr N dyr)
1 Nab,Syr,CPA dwelling
2 Palm community
3 Syr,Palestinian shed
4 Syr sheepfold
5 Syr monastery, convent
LS2 147
LS2 v: dayrA)
R dwr
lwr#2 N lwr)
1 Syr monastery
LS2 362
LS2 v: lawrA) |
DECAD (group
of 10)
"When these Aeons, which had been
emitted to the glory of the Father, themselves desired to glorify the Father,
they joined each other in unions and suffered the emotions: Deep and Mingling,
Unaging and Union, Self-Produced and Pleasure, Immovable and Mixture, Only-Begotten
and Blessing.
These ten can be seen in the five double Aeons
and eventually become reflected in the Five Sons (and their spouses) of
the Living Spirit in Manichaeanism - King of Splendor, King of Honor, Adamant
of Light, King of Glory, and the Porter.
Male Aeon (Greek)
Female Aeon (Greek)
Blessed (Unity)
(group of 12)
"Man and Church emitted: Paraclete
and Faith, Paternal and Hope, Maternal and Love, Everlasting and Intelligence,
Ecclesiastical and Blessedness, willed and Sophia. Together, these are
the thirty aeons, which are kept in Silence, and are not known. This is
the invisible and spiritual Pleroma, triply divided into an eight, a ten
and a twelve."
These twelve are the three emanations of either
the the five lights - Yoel, Harmozel, Oriel, Daviethai, and Eleleth, or
the ministers associated with them. From the fallen Sophia (Zahriel),
Ialdabaoth-Saklas-Samael (the Mandaic Ptah-il) is born, and it is this
one that creates the seven lower heavens and the five earths.
Male Aeon (Greek)
Female Aeon (Greek)
Wisdom (Lesser Sophia)
Ptolemy adds Christ and Holy Ghost to the 30,
making the mystical 32 number of Aeons.