![]() In the Living Gods, Let the hallowed Light of Transcendant Truth be praised. Yesai's
Chapter 1. Two are the ways, the Path of Life and the Path of death. They are opposite paths. The Stream of Life is small, but it is pure. It flows for awhile, then dissappears for a while under sand before reappearing once again. It is precious. Drink from it deeply when it is found. Know that it springs forth from the Wellspring above. Do not drink from the large polluted rivers of the world. They and their adherents are everywhere and many bathe therein. Those who drink from the Living Wellspring have found Life. Those that drink from these Living Ones above honor Them, recognize their origins in Them, and seek wholeheartedly to return to Them. This is accomplished by developing innate goodness within, and by purifying oneself from darkness and distraction. To do this one must embrace the principles and practices of the Way of Peace, and must abandon worldliness and cleave to those who are on the inward journey. All who have sucessfully walked this Path before you have gathered their limbs, separated from residual darkness, and had their hearts and minds illuminated by Nazirutian Gnosis. They became pure and they escaped victorious from the battle within. What they sought they found. And thus it is. Chapter 2. The hypnotic way of the world must be renounced. It is a distraction. One who has found Life must no longer feed on death. A child of the Living does not participate in the diet, culture and distractions of those who walk the way of death. A servant of the light does not eat flesh, fowl, fish, eggs or oozings of animals. A servant of Life does not indiscrimately destroy or harm life for any reason. They strike no unneeded fear into the creatures of the earth, nor do they seek to manipulate others or coerce them in any way. They do not use others, or abuse them, either sexually or verbally. They speak truthfuly and kindly and never humiliate, shame or slander for personal gain or pleasure. A child of Light does not take what has not been given, nor do they seek to persuade others to do what is not in their best interest. A child of Life honors all, even those who are of the earth, and does not interfere or intervene in the lives of others without request. They focus not on fame or riches, nor the accumulation of the things of this earth, but they seek after gnosis and wisdom and a heart full of compassion and kind gentleness. Without arrogance, a child of the light quietly seeks after a deepening of their own gnosis. They are slow to criticize or judge others, but quick to discern their own shortcomings and transcend them. Their orientation is always inward. Chapter 3. The sincere seeker of Naziruta is concerned with their own standing before the Living Ones above. They do not expend energy competing with others, trying to impress, or attempting to outshine others on the Path. A sincere seeker has no serious interest in worldly politics, nor sports, nor worldly distractions and entertainment. They do not often pursue pleasures that are shortlived, and which wear down the body. They seek after the satisfaction that comes from developing their character, their personal discipline, from transcending vice and in acquiring virtue. They seek merit and not money, peace and not contention. They walk over the earth as aliens and strangers. Chapter 4. Beloved ones, honor the Shekinta that is your refuge from the world. Uphold its officers and participate in its programs, for this is the way of life and the path that leads to personal transformation. Love those that are your fellow travellers on the Path, and contribute more than your fair share of labor and love and resources to the Family of Faith. Flee the cities of the world, for they are full of darkness. Eschew the foods of the world, for they are full of death and disease. Cultivate goodness, and grow vegetables with wisdom and joy, for herein shall your soul find peace while on earth. Give no energy to division, nor lend thyself to a schizm. Be not a participator in a pulling back of loyalty and support or be one slow to labor in the Gardens of Light. When you weed therein, you weed your own mind. Always the disgruntled must work thru their unhappiness, or depart from the enclave of holiness. Stand apart from them while they work thru their darkness, and give no ear to their grumblings which unweave the robe. Chapter 5. The way of death serves itself. It is self indulgent and limited in its vision and breadth of purpose. Its religions worship gods of death and are built on blood. They allow their members to slaughter the creatures of the earth for their food, and one another for power or prestige. They advocate wealth, accumulation of property and misuse of power. Flee these my beloved ones, and withdraw into communities of light where wealth is shared and where true love exists. Leave the atheists and the anarchist to their own desires, leave the worldly to fight and argue among themselves. Let them spend their days accumulating things or attempting to outshine one another. The Child of the Living Ones should spend their time deepening their gnosis, perfecting their thoughts, expanding their hearts. Let them serve one another, being kind and respectful to all their brothers and sisters, honoring those above them in grace and teachings those below them in understanding. Let all work together to increase the hope, happiness and self esteem of each. Chapter 6. Do not buy into the shortcuts promised by the religions of death. Do not trust in blood, or the cross, do not think to beg your way or sit your way into perfection. Do not think that you can be saved by eating a perfect diet, or by fasting or other helpful practices. These are good but they will not make you a god. Only awareness of the All can transform you into that which you once were. Beware the philosophies of death and the apostles of darkness who come uttering words of light. Beware those that water down the truth and who preach a mixed message. Flee the viewpoints of imperfect systems, remove yourselves from the habits of those who pave the way for their own reincarnation. Do not separate off yourself over one or two points of contention. Rise above all contradiction and serve goodness thru becoming truly good. Chapter 7. To fully enter the Path of Peace you must clothe yourself in the Living Water. You must enter the Stream of Gnosis and flow with the Way of truth. You must seek annointment and sacred nourishment, you must walk the mysterious road of ritual transformation. Enter the Gates of Light and transform yourself one day at a time. Climb up the Tree of Life and become initiated into its higher mysteries. Always the Path of Life has utilized ritual and liturgy to assist in the separation and in the merging. Abandon not the tools of transformation, leave them not to weather in the field but use them with wisdom to slice thru the clinging ego. Put no faith in mala or malwasha(horoscopes), in mantras or magick, but use them to sound your mind. Employ gimataria and divination, hypnosis and elixers. Free your mind from its own shackles, but ever remain pure. Chapter 8. Fast from your body each fortnight. Make it suffer a little so that you can learn not to suffer with it. Divide yourself from its desires in your own mind, but use it and identify with it when it reflects the Truth, when it mirrors Mishunia Kushta. Abstain from chewing on the dark of the moon as well as before each of the Seasons. Feast and reconnect after your fasting and practice your devotions each and every illuminated day. Do not let your body have its way, but make it prostrate before that which is eternal for in you lies the seed of immortality. Chapter 9. Celebrate each of the great festivals of the year, and use each of the five seasons as opportunities for inward growth. Be not slow to engage in spiritual practices from each of the great living daria dispensations, and be ye ever vigilant to sacramentally gather in the ziwaneh light in all your repasts, both daily and those that are set aside unto speciality. Study, that ye be not ignorant. Chapter 10. After every feast of food or wisdom, let there oft be singing and chanting, music and dance. Let joy and jubilation punctuate the fasts and absenances. Let the social balance the silence, the young with the elderly. Abstain and indulge until you transcend both. Trick your body that it gain no dominion over your pearl. Chapter 11. Let the lineages of light be well understood, let the prophetesses of the Way be honored and appreciated. Let Rabis be honored and instructors sought out, let public teaching be augmented by private tutoring. Let candidates for priestesshood seek out those linages most likely to accentuate their own leanings. Let each seek out the avenues that hasten progression and a deepening of endowment. Let diversity of view exist among the encalves, let teachers explore their own unique understandings. Let there be no hasty rejection of that which claims superhuman origins, but let every new revelation be judged on its merits and weighed against the truths of the past. Let a fair and balanced weighing of every innovation take place with honor and dignity. In the path of Life there must exist a continual outpouring of truth, of text and diwan, of divine depiction and vision. Let the best be discerned and separated from the unproven or the spurious, let the unacknowledged authors be gracious and let all engage with wisdom and love. Chapter 12. The Call of Life shall be uttered in the world, the children of Life shall be gathered. Visitors must be entertained and converts assessed. Among them will be the deceitful or self serving ones. With wisdom separate grain from chaff. The true children shall exhibit traits of transcendance, they shall bear fruit when watered but a little. Let there be tests and trials, tastings and prunings. Let evil trees be returned to their source in the world that is not alive. Let Living Ones participate in the life of the Living, let them be productive and energetic in its furthering. Chapter 13. There shall be those among you who are able to devote more hours to prayer, to temple service, to initiation and instruction of those seeking advancement. Let these elect concentrate on transforming the ziwaneh brought forth by those not of their number. Let them travel about as they need to with the support of the Family of Peace. Let those who wish to dedicate a portion of their lives to intense spiritual transformation receive support. Let this vocation be honored among those that till and weave. Chapter 14. Daily the darkness must be washed out of the mind and slumber shaken off from the soul. Alert awareness must be the hallmark of those advanced upon the Path and all must take it upon themselves to keep eachother awake thru the dark night of our souls. Nudge oneanother constantly within the confines of special gatherings, meet oft to rouse oneanother to goodness and deepness. Do not stray into half conscious stumbling in your climb upward, but continually keep on the watch for danger, ever alert to truth, ever respectfully attentive to a sibling that may be stumbling on the Path. Chapter 15. The officers of the Path alone shall judge the weak and wayward, and this only at special times and in special ways. The children of the Living Ones cannot dissemble like those in the world, can not critique and judge and whisper about others behind their back. Foibles and traits must be tolerated without undue comment by all. Only on the dark moon can one criticize that which is unseemly. Let punishments or dismissal only occur when the fabric of the living robe is threatening to fray. Chapter 16. Inner illumination is the goal of Naziruta, inflaming of the heart its mandate. All life and each pearl within an enclave of Light must encircle these ideals, it must lend itself to their occurance. The Way of Life is a Living Way. Fruit must be born each and every year. A barren tree does not enhance the Orchard of Light and must eventually be replaced, and a barren vineyard does nothing for the Farmer above. Be alive, be creative, express spiritual gifts and bathe in visions and revelations, insights and understandings. Meet the Living Ones within, befriend them before your demise. Elevate your consciousnes to Their level, prove yourself Their seed. Waver not, but bear righteous fruit. And Truth is Transcendant. Peace to all. *Version 2.0 - Sibruta – faith,
insight, hope, teaching. The good and faithful teachings of the True Gnostic
Path. Sibruta and Boruta, or illumination within the lineage of Light,
are Nazoraic words having the gimataria value of 679. This diwan
was written by me, yesai, on the eve of January 22, 2010 in the place i
call Sidon as a gnostic counterpoint to the christian Didache.
Gnosis is Liberating and Gracious, Truth is Transcendant and Triumphant |