5 Mt Introduction
      5 Mt. System of Individuated Gnosis
      In the Living Gods, Let the hallowed Light of Transcendant Truth be praised. Let the Sweet Mystery of Miryai awaken in the heart of hearts.



Deep Gnosis is designed to be an inward journey of discovery of the authentic Self, the original core of  being hidden deep in the unconscious. This inward journey into the Heart of Gnosis is based on the premise that much truth lies within us and can be discovered and revealed through systematic exploration of the unconscious through various practices, meditations, visualizations and teachings, some proven over the millennia and some unique to this age. It maintains that universal truth and pattern are reflected in the human body and psyche, which is itself a reflection of the Divine Body of truth that lies at the source of All. This premise is shared with Tantric, Shaivite, Bon, Buddhist and Jungian psychology. There is no dogma by design, but simply truth and the reflection of that truth in types and images. This teaching relies partially on the revelation of the third century Gnostic prophet named Mani, who founded Manichaeanism and profoundly influenced Tibetan, Chinese, and Japanese Buddhism as well as Mandaean Gnosticism and Dzogchen. Mani was a culmination of the northern Nazarene lineage that included some Essene like groups, the Elkasaites, the Sampsaeans, and other vegetarian Gnostic groups of the first few centuries A.D. in the Levant. These old Paths are complex, and contain a mixture of valuable concepts, but also many outdated and irrelevant ones. One purpose of this work is to untangle the two thru various skillful means.


Much of this teaching is unique, but some of this teaching relies on the revelation of  various visionaries: Among them are two third century gnostics,  Zazai and Mani, as well as Dogen, Jung and Shenrab Miwo. Zazai spread the traditional northern Nazorean message that Ramuia eventually morphed into Mandaeanism. He emphasized purification and unification rituals and praise of divine archetypes. Zazai represented a later expression of the earlier lineage of Miryai as interpreted by us thru the lens of the Luriac Kabbalah. Mani represented a radical reshaping of earlier Gnosticism which we combine with the whirlings of Rumi . He founded Manichaeism which influenced Buddhism, Bon, Pure Land, Shingon and Dzogchen. Like the Ari, Mani emphasized the collection of scattered "sparks of light" (ziwaneh) thru spiritual farming and vegan diet, as well as study, meditation and other buddhist-like practices encouraged by this Path. Dogen was the founder of Soto Zen, Shenrab Miwo is the Buddha of Bon, and Jung was a modern Gnostic Psychologist. This Teaching is a distillation of the more relevant elements of these Paths that are still applicable in a modern scientific age of reason, whilst leaving behind superstition and the nonsense that accrues in all long lived traditions.

With pages taken from the archives of these messengers, we hope to kindle the darkness dispelling bonfire fueled by the Shobogenzo and Secret of the Golden Flower, the Qulasta and Zohar, Bön Kangyur and Tengyur, the Nag Hammadhi and Jung's Redbook, the Kephalaia and Rumi's Poems.


It is an order of magnitude easier to walk this Path within the supportive context of a spiritual enclave, nevertheless this presentation is orientated toward the solo practicioner in an attempt not to alienate the isolated individual. Entering the depths of the unconscious without help presents many challenges, and there will arise many blind spots and opportunities for delusion. The wise should be wary of their own minds and of the power of various aspects of themselves to disturb or hinder  transformation. Beware self aggrandizement, messianic complexes,and all the various psychological and social problems that can arise when exploring the unconscious. 

      TO PENETRATE THE MYSTERIES, to bless with a good conscious, to be great and yet empty, to return to stillness and be forgiving, to be compassionate and to deliver all people, to do good deeds and help people reach the other shore - these are the great benefits of our Path of cultivation. 

      TO CALM PEOPLE IN stormy times, to help them understand the nature of things, to maintain purity, to nourish all things, to respect all life, and to answer the needs of those whose beliefs come from the heart - these are the services the Luminous Path can offer. - adapted from a Chinese Stelae, 781A.D


Peace to those that seek, purity of purpose to those that find....
Gnosis is Gracious, Gnosis is Transcendant
Shalamic Peace to all....

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