Natural Farming: When the human spirit and human life blend with the natural
order and man's sole calling is to serve nature, he lives freely as an
integral part of the natural world, subsisting on its bounty without having
to resort to purposeful human effort. This type of farming, which I shall
call Mahayana natural farming, is realized when man becomes one with nature,
for it is a way of farming that transcends time and space and reaches the
zenith of understanding and enlightenment. Those who live such a life are
hermits and wise men."Masanobu Fukuoka
"Hinayana Natural Farming: This
type of farming arises when man earnestly seeks entry to the realm of Mahayana
farming. Desirous of the true blessings and bounty of nature, he prepares
himself to receive it. This is the road leading directly to complete enlightenment,
but is short of that perfect state."Masanobu Fukuoka
Farming: Man exists in a state of contradiction in which he is basically
estranged from nature, living in a totally artificial world, yet longs
for a return to nature. A product of this condition, scientific farming
forever wanders blindly back and forth, now calling on the blessings of
nature, now rejecting it in favor of human knowledge and action. . . Cases
where scientific farming excels: Scientific methods will always have the
upper hand when growing produce in an unnatural environment and under unnatural
conditions that deny nature its full powers, such as accelerated crop growth
and cultivation in cramped plots, clay pots, hothouses, and hotbeds. And
through adroit management, yields can be increased and fruit and vegetables
grown out of season to satisfy consumer cravings by pumping in lots of
high technology in the form of chemical fertilizers and powerful disease
and pest control agents, bringing in unheard-of profits. ..Yet even under
such ideal conditions, scientific farming does not produce more at lower
cost or generate higher profits
unit area of land or per fruit tree than natural farming."Masanobu Fukuoka