2-2.4 CUPS  - Fruit, Vegetables, Greens, Salad
1.5-1.8 CUPS - Vines: Soups, Smoothies, Beans, Protein
1-1.2 CUPS - Starch: Grains, Roots, Squash
.75-.9 CUP - Tea, Coffeee, Juices
.33-.4 CUP -  Sauces, Dips, Nuts, Dressings, Dessert
Coffee - 8am - - - Coffee or Tea (with minimal Soy or other Plant milk) (>.38c) -
Breakfast  - 9am  Fruit (>1c) - Oatmeal or Pancake or Marsala Dosa (>.5c) - Maple Syrup or fruit  (>.17c)
Mid Morning Smoothie - c10pm - Berry/Greens Soy milk Smoothie (>.75c) - -
Brunch - 10:30 Vegetables (>1c) Soup, Bean or Squash (>.75c) Grain or Quinoa or sweet potato (>.5c) Fruit-Citrus Juice (>.38c) Desert or dip  (>.17c)
Lunch - 12;45 Vegetables (>1c) Soup, Bean or Squash (>.75c) Grain or Quinoa or sweet potato (>.5c) Vegetable juice (>.38c) Desert or dip  (>.17c)
Supper - 5:45-6pm Salad or low starch stirfry  Salad Greens (>1c) with dressing Cucumber, Tomato, Gazpacho, miso soup (>.75c) Grated Carrot, Beet or Daikon (>.5c) Juicer Extracts (>.38c) Olives or Avocado (>.17c)


2-2.4 CUPS  - Fruit, Vegetables, Greens, Salad
1.5-1.8 CUPS - Vines: Soups, Smoothies, Beans, Protein
1-1.2 CUPS - Starch: Grains, Roots, Squash
.75-.9 CUP - Tea, Coffeee, Juices
.33-.4 CUP -  Sauces, Dips, Nuts, Dressings, Dessert
Coffee - 9am - - - Coffee or Tea (with minimal Soy or other Plant milk) -
Late Morning Salad or low starch stirfry - circa 11am Salad Greens with dressing Cucumber, Tomato, Gazpacho, miso soup Grated Carrot, Beet or Daikon Juicer Extracts Olives or Avocado
Lunch - 1 pm  Fruit - Oatmeal or Pancake or Marsala Dosa Fruit-Citrus Juice Maple Syrup or fruit
Mid afternoon Smoothie - c3pm - Berry/Greens Soy milk Smoothie - - -
Supper - 5:45-6pm Vegetables Soup, Bean or Squash Grain or Quinoa or sweet potato Vegetable juice Desert or dip 

Our names for the 5 Bowls, are taken from the 5 Spirits of Chinese Medicine. (The origin of the Five-Shen system is found within the Shangqing lineage of Taoist practice):

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